Tuesday, 27 January 2009
I went to Lousehill copse on Sunday, an interesting old woodland on the side of a steep hill between three housing estates.
Friday, 16 January 2009
A faithful friend
If I didn’t have dogs, and the discipline of taking them for a walk twice a day then I would to be honest see far less of the countryside.
There are no excuses, no options, and nobody in the house can stop me. The deal with a dog is that you take it for a walk in the morning and again in the evening.
It can be a chore, but once you accept that, it is pretty straight forward.
I delight in training them. To have a dog that will do what you want when required is pretty important too. If I want to stop and watch birds I want the dog to stop too. If I want to avoid disturbing something I want the dog to walk right next to me, without me having to call it.
For the last few years I have had the company of Jez, a thoroughbred dog, who
was initially owned by someone irresponsible. She became the most well behaved and sweet natured dog who followed me like a shadow.
The rest of the family were not as enamoured with her as I was. She had a mischievous streak that took a bit of handling. So if I went away I had to take her with me, and we went far and wide together. She looked big and scary, and initially she was, but she gave me a sense of security. I would happily tackle someone dropping litter, racing around on a motorbike or otherwise spoiling the countryside.
She grew into a big softy, and even as she reached old age she was still very fit. Fit enough to chase a ball and occasionally beat the little terriers to it.
Above all else she was my loyal companion, and no matter what, we never argued. We were the very best of friends
But all good things come to an end and very suddenly she fell ill and almost before I realised what was happening the vet put her down.
Most of my walks cover the same ground, wherever I go I remember things that Jez and I did. The first place she swam, where we sat and watched the deer, where she first came face to face with a fox.
If you have ever had your shadow removed you might begin to know how I feel right now.
Sleep well old girl